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Autor/inBrusius, Mirjam
TitelHitting two birds with one stone: An afterword on archeology and the history of science.
QuelleIn: History of science, (2017) 3, S.383-391
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterArcheology; Archaeology; Historians; Science history; Commonality
AbstractThis afterword comments on the articles gathered together in this special section of History of Science (“Disassembling Archaeology, Reassembling the Modern World”). Criticizing the consistent lack of institutional infrastructure for histories of archaeology in the history of science, the piece argues that scholars should recognize the commonality of archaeology’s practices with those of the nineteenth and twentieth century field sciences that have received more historical attention. The piece also suggests avenues to help take this approach further, such as combining expertise from historians of the biological sciences and of antiquarianism and archaeology to look at the history of the understanding of human variation and race. Finally, the afterword suggests that scholars should reconsider the idea of archaeology’s reliance on institutionalised practices, thinking about the use and re-use of material culture in more diverse and pragmatic social contexts.
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